Aici o addenda necesara la studiile levistrauss-iene:procesul cultural al renumirii (si etichetarii) carnii in procesul anterior prepararii culinare cu focus pe arta decupajului macelaresc si variatiile sale pe zone culturale ( ce spun kashrut-ul& halal-ul,cate ceva despre arta europeana a portionarii) si temporale (procesarea industriala, ambalajul de plastic si sibilinele etichete insotitoare).
SiThe transformation or passage of animal carcass to meat suitable for preparation, and the linguistic conversion of indicating meat cuts distinct from an animal is an ethical question of renaming, but also a deeply cultural process rather than only mapping animal parts.If all mapping is something of a conversion of nature into culture–and a creation of place as a known identity, able to exist as a set of coordinates, as well as recognized in one’s mind–the mapping of meat is more than a transformation of raw to cooked, but once-complex process of rendering meat subject to and fit for human consumption, in a combination of the arts of gastronomy and butchery far more than simply anatomy–if the language of mapping meat hides both the work and presence of the butcher and slaughterer as well as the cook by which the tender morsels are prepared.
(...) The idea is less to better know the topography of the steer’s divisions,than to mark the progression of the steer’s body in the slaughterhouse and to convert it into a new lexicon as it moves to the preparation of food.The division of the steer’s body in many sectors is not merely about labelling, but about naturalizing the division by which the body of the steer becomes transformed to meat.
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